Re: [Salon] Winslow Wheeler's big defense graph

Very helpful! Though no need for the "Spoiler alert” for us skeptics, especially for those of us who’ve had first hand experience as witnesses to DOD's lies, and less visibly, though still readily visible, CIA lies: "The number is much, much, bigger than they want you to know.”

And it will get "much, much, bigger, after Republicans add their customary, 10% or more, “tip,” to our "server," the Pentagon, as they do every year. Carrying on the “tradition” their “Radical-Right Traditional Conservative” forebears, led by B. Goldwater with National Review magazine the media platform for the PsyWar they were conducting against the American people, as established in the 1950s, when they began attacking the Eisenhower administration for “being soft on Communism,” and "not spending enough on ‘defense.’" 

From the article’s Chart: 
2023 as 

(Don’t recall the starting point under Biden for this, except to know that under Trump, in league with John McCain and the Republican Party, it already carried a built-in, in perpetuity, additional $100 billion as Trump promised us, and more, and delivered that for the Pentagon and the MIC, as he promised. With cheers erupting from libertarians because he also delivered a massive tax cut for our Oligarch Masters, like "New Right” Schmittians Peter Thiel, Blake Masters, J.D. Vance, all of the Private Equity industry, as is Jared Kushner ( a Dream Firm: "Biden, Kushner, Masters, and Thiel”).

For 2024: 
2024 as

My prediction:
2024 as
(at least 890.00, after the Republicans get their hands on it, and get it passed (rounded off, and down) 

At a minimum, though maybe having to conceal the 5% above inflation given the cuts to domestic spending in store for us (which is simply “code” to justify the massive amounts the Republicans are demanding anyway, even above Biden’s own massive increase) amidst all the other duplicitous numbers we may or may not get to see (“Secret Writing," as Leo Strauss called for, and his Oklahoma-born “student” celebrated).

And, not so remarkably, that’s not even as much as the Republicans have been demanding:

“The president’s defense budget is woefully inadequate and disappointing,” said Sen. Roger Wicker (R., Miss.), the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee. He and other Republican leaders are advocating for military spending to increase at a minimum rate of 5% above inflation.

. . .

"Among the strongest advocates for more military spending is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.). Mr. McConnell, who is hospitalized with a concussion, recently told reporters that a substantial defense-budget increase is needed.

“The defense budget ought to reflect the nature of the threat,” Mr. McConnell said. “We have not only Russia and Ukraine, which we’ve generally done in supplementals, but we have an ongoing challenge of meeting China in the future. (This is mine, for emphasis!)

"Spending on the war in Ukraine, which has topped more than $100 billion, is expected to be largely handled in separate supplemental bills. Mr. Biden’s national-security request includes an additional $7 billion for military support for Ukraine and $23.6 billion for the Energy Department as part of the modernization of sea, land and air-based nuclear weapons.”

What the Republicans demand, always at least 5% or more than the Democrats, is of course, the “minimum” necessary for "Supporting the traditional Republican foreign policy of peace, non-interventionism, and Constitution,” that their affiliated liars tell us about!   🤬

An outright lie that these  “New Right” speakers propagated here (in my opinion): Trump groupie, Mollie Hemingway; Senior Journalism Fellow at Hillsdale College . . . and a 2014 Lincoln Fellow of the Claremont Institute; Trump sycophant and Claremont Institute Fellow, Saurabh Sharma; and Emile Doak, executive director of The American Conservative, and a "2021 Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute” (which goes without saying, as that seems to be a minimum hiring qualification at The American Conservative magazine for editors now, just like the most extreme right-wing, militarist ideology was for National Review for its founding Editors to be listed on its masthead):

Tell me again of the “bright line” between Straussians/Schmittians of Hillsdale/Claremont, and the “Traditional Conservatives” of TAC, and the “Realists” of the Quincy Institute 🤬

Here’s Hemingway, showing the way of effective war incitement against China, while presenting herself as “opposing war against Russia,” when in fact, when the US eventually escalates the War Against China (it’s already going on, though not full kinetic war yet, but “war” in all the other domains of “warfare,” as DOD understands, and promotes), it (we) will inevitably escalate war against Russia and Iran, indisputably. Making her and her like-minded fellow warmongers, as in the TAC/Quincy event, either one of the stupidest people on earth, or one of the “Greatest Deceivers.” Or both, in my opinion.

BLUF: “People who are very worried about our resources that we have in this country, how much money we have, how much of our supply is being drawn down by fighting Russia and Ukraine are worried in part because they want us to be ready for what might happen with China. It is not isolationist to care about what’s happening in China and to make sure that we are well situated to be able to handle that in terms of our financial situation and our military situation,” Federalist Editor-in-Chief Mollie Hemingway said on Fox News’ “Special Report.”

Ahh yes, Red China, our "Main Enemy,” against whom we must incessantly pour more military resources/money against for the “Coming War” that "New Right” fanatics like her are working to incite with their endless war/fear-mongering. As do these folks:  

Starting at 46:00, to about 56:00. I try not to listen to much as both these people make me gag, and I’ve read some of the most “fascist-like” prescriptions from Andrews that I hate to suggest anyone listen to, or read, her bile, notwithstanding that she can sound somewhat “reasonable” at times if you don’t”decode” what she is actually saying. The same with Doak. But listen closely and though he speaks against “getting bogged down” in Eastern Europe, that’s because we need to be laser focused  and instead "turning our attention to the threat from the East!"

Somewhere in there, either Doak or Andrews, refers to the “TAC Coalition.” Which as the “New, Straussian, TAC,” I am so against! How TF did the "grown-ups” who once managed TAC, or read it, and quoted it, come to allow these infantile, ignoramuses,  to speak for them! I mean “grown-ups,” calling themselves “Conservatives,” involved in IR/Military/National Defense issue, now deferring to clowns like these? Begging the question of why should either be taken seriously when they wear their ignorance like a “Badge of Honor!"

On May 8, 2023, at 7:00 AM, Kelley Vlahos via Salon <> wrote:

Thank you Andrew Cockburn for writing up this piece around Winslow's adept totalling of ALL defense-related spending, which when pulled together shows the US spending more than $1.4 billion in this realm per year. Check it out on RS today:

Have a great Monday,
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